My name is Rynk Strothers and I’m the lead instructor for the Colorado PGA Golf in Schools program. I am excited to share with you about our fully funded Golf in Schools program that we would like to offer to your students through their PE Rotation. The program is completely FREE to the students and the school including the transportation costs to the golf course for the field trip. It is a great opportunity to introduce a game of honor and integrity that can be played for a lifetime! We have had the privilege in the last 3 years to work with over 80 schools, many in the Jefferson County Public School System, the Aurora Public School System and the Cherry Creek Public School system, and introduce the game to over 40,000 kids.
The Colorado PGA Golf in Schools Program is designed to be flexible in format to accommodate the specific needs and desires of the individual schools. Each PGA Professional and Golf Facility will take part in a Certification Process to insure that participants are introduced to golf in an enjoyable manner while seamlessly emphasizing the essential link between golf and life skills. Each day the instructor will highlight a life lesson that is incorporated into the lesson plan. It is the intent of the program to inspire kids to explore the game through engagement in activity rather than lecture. Sessions will begin with a brief (5 minute) icebreaker or team building activity to “set the stage” for the remainder of the class time. The majority of the class will be comprised of short discussions of golf concepts and demonstration of golf skills using “modeling” techniques and activity based learning. At the conclusion of each class there will be a wrap up (again 5 minutes) that summarizes the core golf and life values introduced that day. Prior to program delivery a letter to the parents is sent through the school. The purpose of the letter is to introduce the program to the parents, inform them of the curriculum and invite them to participate in the outdoor aspects of the itinerary.
Day 1 in School; will focus on Safety, and introduce a short version of the golf swing through chipping and pitching lessons and games.
Day 2 in School; students will be hitting shots with a full swinging motion.
Day 3 in School; additional activities focused on the full swing motion with an emphasis on games and team building.
Day 4 at Golf Facility; students will experience golf on a field trip to the nearby golf facility. Here they will get to experience various aspects of the game (putting, chipping and full swing) where the game takes place. I attached a brochure that can be used as an informational source for your teachers and parents. Please let me know if you think this will be a good fit for your school. I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me for program registration or any questions. Again thank you!
PGA Director of Instruction